Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 5: Rest Day in Blythe, CA

Day 5:
Rest Day, Miles = 0
Theme for the day: Scrub-a-dub-dub

Well today was a day to get caught up on things. I started by doing laundry at 6:00. I was up, the machine was empty and I figured there would be a long line later in the day - so I jumped at the opportunity. Now all my clothes are wearable again! Clean clothes are nothing to take for granted!

But clean clothes isn't the only order of the day. At 9:00 Carol gave us a lesson on bike cleaning. I have now found out the disadvantage to having a recumbent. When you have been in a sand storm like we were yesterday --- and you have a recumbent, you have A LOT MORE chain to clean. Everyone else had finished and I was only about 1/3rd of the way done. And boy, was there a lot of sand and grit! We use Simply Green as the solvent, but it took a lot of elbow grease too. It certainly isn't clean - clean, but it is a lot better than when I started! I worked on it for about 2 hours!

I forgot to mention this yesterday, but when I got to the top of one hill - I saw a big plow. Unlike Wisconsin however it wasn't for snow, it was to remove sand from the roads!!!!!!

When I finally finished cleaning my bike, a group of us walked down to a local restaurant and got some lunch. I have never seen a more efficient waitress before in my life. She went from one of us to the other - like no one's business and got our orders. Fast, friendly and efficient. It was a local restaurant (we definitely weren't locals!) with great food. They even had homemade bread pudding. I was tempted but refrained. I am finding that I am hungry often. I am trying to be a bit careful about what I eat as I know when this is over and I am not riding so many miles each day - I won't be able to eat as much as I need to right now. But I won't worry too much about that now!

After lunch - a few of us who have I-Pad's got our own little user group together to share tips back and forth. I was hoping to learn how to add photos to this blog, but it isn't all that easy. The techie in the group has a call into Apple, but it most likely will be a couple of days yet before I can share photos. Sorry about that!

It was good to have a rest day today. It feels funny not to be on the bike but my body was happy for a day off. Tomorrow we head out in the morning and will cross our first state line. We will be in AZ tomorrow evening. With WomanTour, every time you cross a state line, that evening you have a margarita party. So you know what we will be doing tomorrow. Being the lightweight I am, I can probably only have 1/2 a drink!
I've enjoyed getting comments or emails from many of you. It is nice to stay connected. You do get into a 'biker bubble" on the road and are a bit disconnected from the rest of the world. I am hoping that things in your world are going well. I'll give an update once we get in tomorrow - as long as I have an internet connection and the energy!


  1. It's interesting to hear about the issues involved with recumbents. I don't know anything about them and haven't even seen, much less ridden one. I'm glad you enjoyed the rest day and the margaritas will definitely be something to look forward to. You are AMAZONG!

  2. Fiona, the reason you may not post a blog tomorrow is necause of the margaritas!!!

  3. Should have guessed you would figure out the real reason I might not be able to post tomorrow night. Can't get anything past my older sister!

  4. Hey Fiona--

    Your blog is great! Talked to Kate last night and got the address so I could follow you. You are lucky you are where you are, we had about 5 in of very wet heavy snow early this am! I can't even imagine the scenary you are partaking in---your excuberance is awesome and I am so happy for you as you are realizing your dream. Stay safe and we are carrying on back here in the "Protest Capitol" of the US!

  5. Really enjoying your experiences vicariously! Keep it up ;-)


  6. Hi, You don't know me but I'm a WT aficionado and reading xcountry blogs is a fascination. Thanks for all the info which takes me back to the 30 day ride I did in 2009 called The Northwest Loop with Linda as our chef/guide. Sitting on the white plastics, drinking a beer, and yakking it up about the day is almost as good as being on the bike. I wonder if I'm leading up to a Xcountry because in 2012 I'm doing Meandering Mississippi (2000 mi). The hair-raising stories about 10 mile descents with xwinds of 30 mph is abit intimidating, although now that I think of it, we had them on the NW Looop. Say hi to Linda for me. Pam Perkins. Mt. View, California

  7. Glad many of you are enjoying the blog. Please excuse they typos... some nights I'm lucky to have the energy. Thanks for all the comments! Pam, I will say hi to Linda for you --- and I say go for the cross country trip. It is fabulous!
