Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 4: Brawley To Blythe

Day 4:
Brawley to Blythe -- 89.something miles
Theme for the day:  All we are is dust in the wind!

What a day.  We started a bit earlier today because of the length of the ride.  We had a meager breakfast at the hotel (6:30 a.m.) - but Linda added hard boiled eggs to what the hotel provided, so we were fueled up.  Right after breakfast we made sure our luggage was loaded in the trailer, gathered snacks, pumped up our tires, topped off the water bottles and headed back on the road - to the desert (7:00 a.m.)  Today we were headed to Blythe.  The wind had howled last night, and it didn't let up this morning.  There were reports that it would be 25 mph winds --- and perhaps up to 45.  Well the good news about the wind was that most of the time it was a tailwind or a cross wind.  The bad news, wind and desert = sandblaster!   Let me tell you, the sand was blasting across the road.  At several points I had to slow down or quickly move one way or another to avoid the tumbleweed bouncing across the road.  Many years ago, at my dad's company I had run a sandblaster.  Little did I know that later in life the tables would turn and I would become an object being sandblasted!  
Even though it was incredibly windy, it was fascinating riding through the blowing sand.  The hills were like a living canvas - with the sand creating different images all the time.  If I weren't simply trying to stay upright on my bike, I would have been mesmerized by it.  Lisa (the young pup on the trip --28 years old) actually took an extra jaunt in the wind and went up to the lookout point.  The wind was so fierce however on the way down she had to get off her bike and walk back to the main road.  
Our faithful sag wagon was busy this morning.  Between people needing to refill for water at mile 20 -- they also had to help people as some had mechanical difficulties today.  All was well though - and those who wanted to ride were able after a few quick repairs.  From all the bouncing and jiggling on the rough roads yesterday my odometer wasn't working properly today (hence the 89. something mileage today).  Tomorrow is a layover day, so I should be able to adjust that and get it working properly again. 
We had lunch at mile 40 today.  Because there was nothing anywhere around, Linda set up a picnic at mile 40.  My riding group got there at around 10:30 --- so it was an early lunch, but given the miles to cover today, we needed to make sure we were fueled.  Tuna sandwiches, caesar salad, watermelon, cheese, tomatoes, chips.  We are living right on this trip!  Also last night - Nancy (my roommate from the previous evening) went and bought coconut water at the store next to our hotel.  She swears by it -- and since I have often had a problem with headaches after a long work out, I figured I try one at lunch.  It was very good and I have to say - even though I was in the hot sun all day and being sandblasted ---- no headache.  I might be a coconut water convert!
After lunch we continued on.  Again I have been fascinated by the scenery.  The starkness of the desert has it's own beauty.  I am afraid my photos won't do justice.  (By the way - hopefully I will learn how to post photos tomorrow so you won't just have text in this blog).  We biked next to some of the aqua ducts that carry water from the Colorado River today.  The Colorado River provides much of the water for Southern California.  We passed a lot of agricultural fields (lettuce, broccoli, but mostly tons of alpha and hay.  There was a huge cattle farm that we also passed.  I would suspect that in future years as water becomes more and more scarce, there will be competition for the growing of crops for human consumption rather than for food for cattle.  Tonight however we are eating at Sizzlers - and a steak sounds mighty good --- so I won't say anymore!
The rest of the day went well.  By the time we were getting close to Blythe - my toes were tingling and very sore and ready to be off the bike.  It was a welcome sight to see the hotel!  We virtually rode 90 miles today -- and I am still loving it.  Now I never in my life thought I would be so happy to be spending 2 nights in Blythe.  How one's view changes when one is riding their bike across the country!  
Well that's it for tonight.  I am going to go get a steak for dinner.


  1. That is one well-deserved steak dinner! I remember the sandblasting from living in Albuquerque - one day I got runs in my stockings walking home from school. Enjoy your rest day - you have certainly earned it.

  2. Hey, VERY windy in Palm Desert today as well. If I would have gone outside, and that is a big "if", I would in sitting at the dinner table with you in Blythe right now.
