Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 12: Safford, AZ to Lordsburg, NM

Day 12: Safford, AZ. to Lordsburg, NM
Miles: 75.47
Theme: Ol Jo's Cafe - Where Old Friends Meet and Make New Ones.

Nothing out of the ordinary this morning, breakfast, pack, take bags out to the trailer, gather snacks and head down the road. I continue to find the scenery in the desert to be stunning. I know many of the other women are tired of it, but it seems that every corner I go around, or every hill I climb, I am amazed by the scenery and the subtle changes that have occurred. The sky was brilliant today. There were wispy clouds most of the day, and they always seemed to be changing. I so wish I had the energy at night to figure out how to post some of the photos. Maybe at our rest day coming up on Wednesday I can do that! Until then, you are just going to have to trust me!

Many found the first 20 miles today rather tiring. There was a slight head wind. I may not feel the headwinds on the recumbent as much as others are, or maybe it was simply because I was so enthralled with the scenery that I didn't really pay attention to the head wind. Whatever the reason, I am happy not to be too bothered by them. Kathryn was driving Sag this morning. She and Marge often switch off at the halfway point so both get to ride some part of the day. Both are fabulous women who make sure there is everything we could want at the Sag. It is always a joy to see "Little Bo Peep" because you know you will hear the Sag Driver (be it Lisa, Marge or Kathryn) whooping it up - and congratulating you when you reach them. Their emotional encouragement is often as important as the food and water they carry.

As we started out on our next 20 miles, Tex and I rode together, with Diane and Kathie staying with one another. I loved the quiet - just getting into a biking rhythm and enjoying the landscape. I understand how Georgia O'Keeffe feel in love with the desert landscape. With the clouds today, it was spectacular! I can honestly say that I am just so happy to be biking across this country. America is truly a beautiful country.

Tex and I were riding along at a good clip. Little did we know that today was a difficult day for many others however. It ended up that there were 5 flat tires this morning. Greta's bike is still not shifting properly so she only has 3 gears right now. She will get it fixed when we reach Silver City tomorrow. Until then she limps along as far as she can for the day and then takes the Sag. It was rather hot today, so a number of women decided to take a "bump".

When we reached the Sag at mile 40 the question of the day was whether to eat at Ol Jo's Cafe - or just eat the snacks we packed. It was taking a long time to decided and I knew I needed some food so I ate my PB & J. Of course just as I was finishing it was decided that we would go to Ol Jo's. I said fine I'll get a salad or something (let's just say it ended up being or something). So off we went (Lisa - aka Young Pup, Lise - aka Boots, Kathie, Kathy aka Tex, Diane, Nancy aka Sacagawea and me). Well we were talking and laughing and this motorcycle guy was a few tables back and I could see him snickering... He was a fun looking guy, so I said - you aren't laughing at us are you? He looked up from his paper and smiled. Well I had to get my picture with him. He was talking, we were talking... all having a good time. Here this big biker dude in a leather jacket... was a Speech Therapist. He talked about riding, but he liked having an engine. Lise said we have an engine - in fact 2 pistons, pointing to her legs. He said I have 2 really big pistons... We all were laughing and so was he. Next thing you know we are up and taking photos and the owner tells me to take a photo behind the bar. So into the bar we went. A woman who had ordered her lunch offered to take our photo so we all could be in it. Nancy then noticed the mexican sombrero and is putting that on - getting her photo taken in that. The woman says I have a cowboy hat and halter in my truck, let me get that. And so she did. We all had a great time! I think we were the entertainment for the day (or perhaps month). We definitely lived up the sign that hung next to the Cafe: Ol Jo's Cafe - Where Old Friends Meet and Make New Ones!

What a day. Kathie, Tex and I stop for lunch almost every day. It may mean we get to the hotel and hour or so later --- or have an extra hour of riding in the heat of the day. But I can say without question meeting the towns people along the way has been worth the extra hour. You really get a sense of the fun loving and interesting people scattered across the land.

After lunch it was back on the bikes. It wasn't long before we crossed our second state line. We left Arizona and are now in New Mexico. Crossing a state line means Margaritas tonight of course. Just another fabulous day riding across the country. We started out less than 2 weeks ago not even knowing each other's names. Now we are like old friends. Many of us have already developed friendships that will go with us through out our lives. How fortunate are we!!!!!!


  1. Look so forward every day to your postings--love to read your descriptions of the landscape and the commradarie you have with your fellow bikers. Your continued excitement and joy for what you are doing leads me to believe this will not be your last bike trip!
    Tonight we are having a "very special" guest for dinner! Keep pedaling and allowing all of us to enjoy this trip vicariously through you. Take care.


  2. I love starting my day reading your posts Fiona! It makes me smile to read your stories about your fellow riders. I appreciate your love of the desert too.

    Have a great ride today!


  3. Okay, I finally got my google account words all set so I can say more (and say it twice). I want to be a lunch with all of you. I often strike up conversations with strangers, just ask Diane. Drives her crazy because I hang around talking and joking. And do I love the AZ, NM landscapes. I go walking/hiking when I am in AZ visiting family and I am soon to go. This excites me even more.

    Love ya again, Anne

  4. "Mountains are the means, the man (sic) is the end. The goal is not to reach the tops of mountains, but to improve the (wo)man." Walter Bonatti (Italian climber)...
    Love to you Fiona, from Ellen in Seattle
