Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 25: Del Rio to Brackettville,Texas
Miles: 44.6 ------------ Total Mileage 1,427.99
Theme: Good Vibrations (thanks Tex)

Well most everyone seemed like they were no worse for the wear from yesterday. Today is going to be a fairly easy day - only about 44 or 45 miles. Good opportunity to rest our legs a bit and recover for the Texas Hill Country that is ahead.

Last night I could hear the wind howling - seems that a cold front is moving in. Unfortunately the wind direction is not in our favor this morning. I guess we should count our blessings for not having the headwinds yesterday. The good thing is that there is a cloud covering so we aren't baking in the heat today.

Now I know I have mentioned once or twice that I don't care for Chip Seal (C.S.). Well the C.S. was the worst I have ridden on so far. Hence the theme - Good Vibrations. I can say that the vibration however was anything but good. Those on normal bikes had it worse than me however because not only were they saddle sore, but the continual vibration really stresses the wrists as well. I was starting to get a headache from all the jostling.

I have now learned to plug my nose when I see a bunch of vultures. Some of the road kill can be especially ripe! Other than some cattle, we really didn't see much today.
It was an uneventful day - other than the C.S. and I'd rather not remember that! Good thing we didn't have far to go today. 43 + miles on C.S. - especially C.S made with really large rocks is extremely draining! I did however see some beautiful flowers at the side of the road. At first I thought it was Indian Paintbrush - but on closer examination, it wasn't. It was a beautiful pink/red color. So nice to see something other than brown. Of course I had to stop and take a photo. Any excuse to stop the jarring for a minute!

We stopped for lunch at a place called Julie's about a mile from Fort Clark Springs in Brackettville, where we will spend the night. Everyone was a bit bouncy from yes - you guessed it the C.S. Almost all of us ended up at Julie's. Kathie, Tex, Lisa, Liz, and I ordered lunch -- next Kathryn (sag driver for the day) came and ordered something. In came Eva and Greta, then Victoria, Lise and Nancy followed and then Ruth. I think the waitress wondered if the stream of women bikers would ever stop!

Turned out the Judge of Bracketville was celebrating his b-day there. Katherine went up and said "Happy Brithday to the JUDGE (in only the way Katherine can with her southern accent and Big personality). She ended up talking to him - turned out they had a mutual friend. Is there anyone Katherine doesn't know? A short time later another fellow came in and Katherine asked him if he was from the Road Department because she wanted him to know we didn't appreciate the surface of the roads. We was a good natured fellow. We all had fun --- and all the other customers in Julie's appeared to enjoy listening to us.

We finally decided we had to face the C.S. for one last time today and rode the last mile to Fort Clark Springs were we will spend the night. This is an old army station that they have turned into a hotel and condos. There is a natural spring feed pool that is enormous. I stuck my feet in, but decided that was enough for me. The pool must be about 25 meters wide and 100 meters long. It is enormous. But you guessed it, everything is BIG in Texas. After a while I decided to come back up to the room, finish the blog and just rest for the afternoon. It's been another good day, but I am ready just to relax until dinner.

Texas is a BIG state - and that means lots more C.S. I am not sure I will ever come to appreciate C.S. I will try not to complain about it anymore - but I don't guarantee that I will succeed! May your travels be smooth - and C.S. free!


  1. "Every new friendship is an opportunity to discover who we are today."
    Ellen Leggett - American Philosopoher

  2. "During a freak August heatwave in Romania in 1994, which brought two consecutive days of temperatures in the 100's, mortuary attendants reported incidents of recently deceased persons exploding."
    p. 136 - The Little Book of Bad Taste by Karl Shaw
    (note: all quotes can't always be so serious)
    love you, fiona --

  3. Did you check to make sure your fillings are still intact? I suppose it is too much to hope that Texas will have switched completely to asphalt by the time I do my tour - or is it?

  4. Well, I have to revert back to yesterday and your 100+ mile day. That is just something remarkable. If I total all the miles I have ridden on my bike, (now hanging in the garage) in my 55 years it would not even come close.

    As I read your blog each day, it is very clear just how many “FIRST” you are experiencing. Very cool! sleep well my friend. Kate is thinking about using some C.S on your driveway in WI. Your thoughts?

  5. Judi -wish I could tell you there would be no C.S. when you ride your tour, but I wouldn't hold my breathe. Thanks for your comments.

    Kel, this trip has been and continues to be full of many firsts. What an experience. And a C.S driveway, now that is a first that won't be happening!

    Ellen - Seriously, you can't think I would expect all quotes from you to be serious! BTW, called out Beav.. in my mind many times!

  6. Fiona,
    bless your back, head, teeth and toes! may the c.s. finish BEFORE the LA border

  7. Fiona Mct,

    Get a move on you lazy girl, and...... where is the bird report section of this blog !

    love from your favourite cousin (sitting in a comfortable armchair, listening to the spring bird song, about to open another ice cold beer).

  8. Take it from a Texans-->If you slightly under-inflate your tires, your ride will be softer......
