Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 2:
Alpine to Jacumba  46.68 miles, 11 and 12% grades!   
Overview: One revolution at a time

Today started off differently than I expected!  After a breakfast of a couple hard boiled eggs (thought I should get some protein) and a bagel, I went out to pump up my tires.  One the back tire (or course it was the back one!) I untwisted the value to put the nozzle of the air pump on and the valve from the tube just broke off.  Air didn't leak out but I figured changing a tire in the hotel parking lot was much easier than having a flat on the road.  Of course Carol (one of our guides) said I'll do it, I can go in a wash my hands afterwards - so let me do it and then you can get on the road.  In just a few minutes, new tube in place - I was on my way.  

Kathy (nicknamed Tex - no she isn't from Texas it's just a shortening of her last name), Kathie and I rode together again today.  They are great riding partners.  We travel at a similar pace.  When we come to the hills, I am a bit faster, so I go on and then wait for them at the top.  Given that the map carrier reduces my ability to see the road in front of me, I depend on the them for the map reading. So the three us riding together has been very nice.

The first 8 miles this morning were uphill. At one point there was an 11% grade.  Things just went up and down for awhile after that. We stopped at a diner at mile 17 this morning.  Suppose to have great pie, I decided on a Strawberry shake instead --- thought I should have some protein (you know the milk, the ice cream!).  10 miles later Kathy wanted to stop for lunch.  I didn't really want anything but a V8 hit the spot!  As we were getting ready to leave a motorcycle group road up -- so Diane (who had joined us) put her bikes in among the motor bikes and said who are my friends.  They all piled around her for a photo. 

After that it was back onto the bikes.  We hit hills immediately - and they didn't seem like they would stop!  The last bit of uphill was a 12% grade.   Ouch --- and hence the title, one revolution at a time!

Many more things to tell - but I have to get out to dinner soon.  We are staying at Jacumba Resort.  That is another story. Let's just suffice it to say, if I were in a car I would have kept on going.  But it has a bed and a warm shower --- even a pool and a jacuzzi, so no complaints by me!

This trip (yes it is only day 2) is fabulous. I am loving every minute of it.  How fortunate am I to be able to do this!!!!!   More tomorrow...


  1. Sounds fantastic - you are doing a great job! My legs are aching for you, but I am sure a good nights rest will fix things up.

  2. DO they still hAve the coffin?

  3. I didn't see a coffin, but will check that out this morning before riding off.

  4. Joanne - no coffin, but Linda is going to tell the story tonight.

  5. Impressive start, though I am already freaking out for you. Go, Fiona, Go.

