Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 47: Dauphin Island, Alabama to Pensacola, Florida

Day 47: Dauphin Island, Alabama to Pensacola, Florida
Miles: 59.60 ------------ Total Mileage 2,632.82
Theme: Crossing our last state line!

(First let me apologize for typos, errors.... I often don't have time to proof read these before I post them. I ave been meaning to let you know that for weeks now!)

How can it be that today we will be in Florida. It doesn't seem that long ago when we were all nervously meeting one another in San Diego -- and today we entered Florida. So many miles between here and there, so many friendships developed... but I am not going there yet, there are still more days ahead - and besides I need to fill you in on our ride today.

We left the condo's at Dauphin Island around 7:20 and rode the 3.2 miles to the ferry. The ferry doesn't go until 8:00 but we wouldn't want to be late! We all stood around - talking, taking photos and some doing some yoga! We seem to be a group that can easily entertain ourselves (as well as the locals!)
The ferry ride is only suppose to be 45 minutes. Now those who know me well know that boats and I don't get along. Fortunately however - though I felt a bit queasy - all went well and I didn't have any trouble. And to top it off, right before we got to the other side I spotted dolphins swimming in the water. That is always a good omen in my books! I have been wearing a small dolphin necklace that I got in the Amazon this entire trip. I think my dolphin was flipping in joy!

The only negative thing about the ferry was when Lise was on the upper deck - she started to come down the stairs and was just saying watch - these steps are slick when she fell. She bounced down a couple. Of course our wound specialist was Johnny on the spot. Lise has some bruises - but all is well.

Once we crossed, it was back on the bikes again. The riding today was nice and flat - with the beginning of the ride mainly on a peninsula where we could see the ocean on both sides. After today we will be going inland - and won't see the ocean again until we reach our final destination. The sand dunes were beautiful - nice clean white sand - with various grasses growing and a brilliant blue sky in the background. I enjoyed riding along just taking in the sights. I was busy snapping photos along the way. I sure am glad I have a digital camera. My developing and printing bill would put me back quite a bit if I was still using film!

We reached the Florida state line and I have to admit, there were a variety of emotions running through me. I was sad to think that this is the last state line we will cross. I was excited and proud of what we as a group have accomplished so far, as well as what I personally have accomplished. I am also excited about getting home, being back in my normal life, seeing friends, all our animals... all these emotions are going though me and I am sure will continue over the next week plus. We are all talking about what it will be like riding the last day... But that is still many days off, stay in the moment Fiona, stay in the moment!

Many of us stopped at a bike shop before getting to the hotel for the night. The poor woman working there (from Essex, England) was overwhelmed with WomanTour riders. She was incredibly helpful and fixed many bikes. I was going to have my chain cleaned and lubed one last time but given that others needed actual work done, I decided I will do it myself tomorrow night. Lise and Nancy both had to have their bikes looked at given their incident a few days back. Tex needed a few adjustment, Kathie needed her gears looked at and Greta needed some minor stuff done. After Karen did all that the 6 of us headed off to lunch as it was already after 2:00. We ate at the Oar House. Karen (bike shop mechanic gave us directions - go over the bridge, at the first light when you get over the bridge, turn right). Nancy (Sacajawea) lead the way and went flying pass the road (along with 2 others). We got her back on course after hollering and whistling to get their attention. All was good but we joked with Nancy that we will NOT be having her lead us to the beach where we met family and friends on the last day!

We finished lunch and rode the last few miles to the hotel. When we arrived there was a sign for WomanTours and specifically Katherine. She is raising funds for scholarships for nurses in the wound care field. They put a sign out front and provided us with cool drinks! Ah - life is good. Now I have to run to the Margarita party for passing another state line. Another good day on the bike, and we crossed our last state line!
PS: Congrats Jake on passing your drivers test! Way to go.


  1. Wastin' away again in Margaritaville...for the last time. Sad but true...so you may as well have two. Enjoy the balance of your adventure, go slow and don't miss out on any memories.

    Hugs, BE SAFE!

  2. "In the laughing times we know that we are lucky, and in the quiet times we know that we are blessed. And we will not be alone."
    Dar Williams
    (American musician)
    sending my love to you fiona!
    xo, ellen

  3. Kelle thanks for the reminder to enjoy the balance of this adventure. I plan to get the most out of every moment I can!

    Ellen - thanks for your quotes and your love. Can't wait to see you in person one of these days -- when are you coming to Madison?

    Dhavan - what a trip it has been! I'm sure everyone at work will get tired of hearing about it. Will try to get a slide show together sometime in May.
