Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 45: Pascagoula, Mississippi to Dauphin Island, Alabama

Day 45: Pascagoula, Mississippi to Dauphin Island, Alabama
Miles: 41.30 ------------ Total Mileage 2,558.97
Theme: Just when you think...

Just when you think... ... life can't get better, somehow it does. I have said so many times that we had a fabulous day, the best day, that life is so very good, etc, that I am afraid none of you believe me anymore. Well today held another very unexpected surprise --- but before I jump the gun, let me fill in some of the details about this morning.

We got to sleep in this morning. And you ask - well why is that? Well of course the reason is that the alligator farm (about 9 miles from where we stayed last night) doesn't open until 9:00, and one would hate to miss that! So our snack table wasn't set up until 8:15 - forcing us to sleep in this morning. I still woke up fairly early but it was nice just to take it easy and pack up slowly.

We were all out about ready to go when Tex checked her tire and noticed that it was a bit low. She had a slow leak. She could just fill it and ride on it as it is only a 40 mile day -- but then again there is the risk that she (oh - I mean I ) would be changing the tire on the side of the road. Most of us urged her to change the tire in the parking lot. Tex hasn't had to change a tire, so Carol gave her a lesson on changing tires right then and there.

Tex and I were the last to leave the hotel as a result, but in some ways it was nice. It meant that the two of us could just ride at our own pace, stop where we wanted to stop, and just meander down the road. We were riding along, exchanging thoughts and stories. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky -- and we will be passing another state line. You know what that means ---- MARGARITAS.

We passed a sign with a big alligator and airboats rides. Tex and I decided to pass on that. We kept moving on and all of a sudden we came to the Welcome to Alabama sign. Now according to the cue sheet, the alligator farm was suppose to be at mile 9 and the state line was suppose to be at mile 11. Turns out that we stayed at a new hotel this year that was 2 miles further down the road than last year. So guess what, no one when to the alligator farm because we all passed it not realizing that was what we were passing. Oh well - we got to sleep in anyway! Katherine and Marge were at the state line and offered to take a photo of Tex and I under the Welcome to Alabama sign. Wow another state down. Didn't take long to go through Mississippi and Alabama won't take long either. All that is left is Florida. How can that be, seems like we just started out on this journey not too long ago!

After the photos, we hoped back on our bikes and pedaled on. Tex and I stopped at a couple stores trying to get an Alabama sticker for our helmets. We had absolutely no luck getting a Mississippi sticker - and I have my doubts about Alabama. Oh well -- we will see what we can find. Once again despite our stops at stores we caught up with others in our group. We came across Marge, Katherine, and Victoria. Poor Victoria had another flat tire! When she was finished Katherine decided to use the old tube as a necktie. It was very fashionable! Victoria has had her share of flats and bike problems the last couple of days - but you can't keep a good woman down! She has an amazing spirit.

Not long after that we rode up to the Sag at mile 20. Tex and I had planned on self supporting ourselves today - and so hadn't planned to stop. But Lisa wanted to share with Tex something she had read about how words are misused or we incorrectly assume their meaning. She wanted to share it with Tex - because of a story Tex had shared with her. That's a story for Tex to share (so I will leave it out). As we were about to go Nancy and Lise asked to ride with us. The four of us had a mission - it is Carol's birthday and we wanted to get a few gifts. So for the next 10 miles we stopped at every Dollar General Store -- and almost any other store we found along our route to see what wonderful things we could get for Carol! We had fun stuffing all the things we bought in our bike bags.

As we cycled on we could see the bridge leading to Dauphin Island. You see this long road and then all of a sudden there is a big bump in the road! That is the bridge we have to get up and over. I have to say it looked worse than it actually was, other than all the glass on the side. On the other side of the bridge we stopped at Barnacle Bills to have lunch. Because we hadn't sagged - I was hungry! Marge and Katherine had just gone in so Lise, Nancy, Tex and I joined them -- with Alice pulling up the rear. Most of us had Blackened Grouper Sandwich with Sweet Potato Fries. It was great. Just as we were finishing in came two guys in biking gear. The first fellow said "We've been following you women for days - and finally caught up." He had an English accent. Immediately someone asked where he was from. He replied - "England." I said "What part of England?" "Yorkshire." And then I said "My parents live in Sinnington, not far from Helmsley." Ends up Dave (the older cyclists) lives less than an hour from Helmsley. Dave and Matt were cycling pretty much the same route we took and their friend John is driving an RV as their Sag. Dave and Matt talked with us for awhile and we exchanged blog addresses, etc. Then I organized a photo with Dave and Matt in the middle of the 7 WomanTour riders. They were quite pleased with this arrangement! Dave, Matt and John all wore shirts that had a logo on the front D.M.J. Across the USA - Eight State, 3200 miles - and on the back was a map of the USA with their route marked out. Very cool shirt! Matt and Dave left as they had to catch up with John at the ferry.

About 10 minutes later we were just about to leave when Dave and Matt came back in. John wanted to meet all of us. These guys were so fun! They were raising money for various UK causes. They gave each of us one of their brochures - and then it was photo time all over again. By the way, their theme is Tykes riding Bikes. Tykes in Yorkshire refers to young boys or uncouth men. In one photo the three guys are standing and holding up Lise who is laid out in front of them. Another photo is of the three of them standing there with our WomanTour safety triangle that we wear when we are biking so that oncoming traffic can see us --- however they are wearing it in the front! These guys were hilarious. Before we parted Dave ran out to the RV and came back with a shirt and gave it to the group (but I fortunately was the lucky recipient). I absolutely love it and will wear it with pride!

Off they went, we paid our bills and then back on the bikes. We were all riding high from our time with these fellow travelers! I was so touched by them giving us the shirt. What can I say - but how can things get any better than this!!!! It truly was another fabulous day, one that I could never have predicted!

I will write more tomorrow about Dauphin Island and the condos we are staying in during our rest day --- and about the tree mail that was waiting for me (thanks Kelle). At every Rest day Kelle has sent me funny little things. I had a card from my sister as well. So, I have to stop now and open my mail. What a day - how lucky am I!!!!!


  1. Hi Fiona,
    We had a great day in Madison, too. But far from the adventures you're experiencing. Several of the usual suspects celebrated Kathi's birthday early(it's tomorrow)with brunch at Jac's. Lots of good conversation including "what's happening with Fiona?" and our new coach. Seems a few of us will be buying season tickets again. Hopeful as we are.
    I can't believe how far you've gone and how (relatively speaking) close you are to the end. It's going to be wonderful to see you and hear more in person.
    Love and safe travels my friend,

  2. Now that beats all - being followed across the country by interesting men, can't say that happens every day. How cool that they are neighbors (sorta) too. You will treasure that shirt forever, I am sure.
